How do I join the GCR Committee?

The GCR has elections throughout the year. Elections for the Executive Committee are held in the Summer Term, while the elections for other positions occur around October when the large intake of new students is complete. However, if you miss the October elections, there are usually vacant positions that will be advertised throughout the year. See below for a list of positions that will be up for election at the next General Meeting. For more info on what each role entails, see here.

Elections will be advertised by email and on the GCR’s various social media accounts. If you decide to run for a position, simply fill in the form below. You will then be required to give a short, two minute presentation at a GCR general meeting. Any questions, just ask our President

Thinking of running for a position? Simple, just fill out this form!

The AGM will be on: April 28th 

What else do I need to know?

To run for an Executive Committee position simply submit a manifesto before the deadline. The Committee will be sending plenty of emails and posts so you’ll hopefully already know when this is. You’ll then need to attend the meeting and give a short speech (or “hust”) about why you want the position and why people should vote for you. There will then be time for questions.

Voting happens online after the meeting and is managed by our steering committee. You’ll find out the results a day or so after the voting closes. If you have any other queries, we recommend getting in touch with the President