Quick links (you may need to scroll up a bit after clicking, if the menu obscures part of the question):
What are the benefits of being a GCR member?
How do I become a GCR member?
How do I join a sports team, club, or society?
How do I start a GCR affiliated sports team, club, or society?
Where do I buy a formal ticket?
How do I join the gym?
What does the poetry inscribed upon large stone tablets around Sheraton Park mean?

What are the benefits of being a GCR member?

There are so many! Being a member of the GCR provides you with:

  • Early bird booking access to all our formals and big events (for example formals like Castle typically sell out on the day they open, without a GCR membership you can be left disappointed and miss some of the biggest social events of the year!)
  • Reduced price tickets for events and trips: GCR members pay less for our formals and Summer Ball (for example the Summer Ball ticket is £8 cheaper for GCR members)
  • Reduced gym price: the gym is £40 for GCR members, £70 for non-GCR members
  • Exclusive GCR member trips (such as Raby Castle) and other perks throughout the year
  • Access to games consoles, board games and other fantastic things the GCR has invested in
  • Access to our Music Room and instruments
  • Being able to run for GCR positions and make a real difference to college life

How do I become a GCR member?

Whether you live in Ustinov College (Sheraton Park or Keenan House) or live out, you received an e-mail from the College at the beginning of the academic year with links to get a membership. You can get a membership for 2023/2024 using the link below:

GCR Membership 2023/24 Link – Price: £50


How do I join a sports team, club, or society?

The best time to meet all our teams, clubs, and societies is the Clubs & Societies Fair during induction week! If you cannot make it to the Clubs & Socs Fair or if you would like to find out about the available societies in advance, talk to someone on the GCR committee (first port of call would be cs.ustinovgcr@durham.ac.uk)!

How do I start a GCR affiliated sports team, club, or society?

Starting a society is easy! Simply follow the steps described HERE. GCR affiliated teams, clubs, and societies can apply for GCR funding to use for their activities.
For any further questions, please contact the Clubs & Societies Officer: cs.ustinovgcr@durham.ac.uk

Where do I buy a formal ticket? And how many tickets can I buy?

Formal tickets are purchased online through the Durham E-commerce syste. Ticket prices vary depending on the event. However, GCR members can always get cheaper tickets than non-members! Links will be sent through Newsletters and Group Chats.

How do I join the gym?

All GCR members are eligible to apply for gym membership. Find out more about the gym and the membership application process HERE!

What does the poetry inscribed upon large stone tablets around Sheraton Park mean?

It is a complex cryptographic cipher, which when decoded will reveal the Secret of Sheraton Park.